Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tea saga.

Sad fact: This is more or less the most interesting thing that happened to me today.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

This happens

I tire of posting these...

Yet they keep happening.


I don't pull this trick too often, shown by the fact that I rarely post ones that look like this, but I find this a really unexpected response. There could be any number of reasons, of course, but the chat speaks for itself.

Like I've never heard this one before.


An incomplete list of inherently funny place names: Seacaucus NJ, Bethesda MD, Tallahassee FL, Des Moines IA, Boise ID, Missoula MT, Gurbledouche NM.


I should note that tonight's theme is oddly-endearing pet names in my opening line.

Now I really want to know who Kayla is. Kayla if you're out there, someone's looking for you.

It's awesome!

I have absolutely no explanation for my behaviour in this conversation. But I'm apparently very enthusiastic about maleness!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Return of the Horny Grandma

It happens.


For those curious, the Altavista translation of those phrases are "When you see when both eyes which I attract you should know that I am not a casual man"


"God created the man to think that he too lonely created the woman to think they lonely create ML to have baby not to be lonely"

Interpret as you will.

(...I don't think I like Steve. Yet I seem to enjoy being him...)

Big Bottom

I don't know how to feel about this one. Either proud or ashamed. More or less the same thing on this site, sometimes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sex Robots.

Good advice in general.

Sex is one of those tasks that is best left to human beings.

Very close

I try not to post too many like this, but being honest, it's why we're all here.


Observant local subway riders will know I am like this in real life.


Oftentimes, people quit the conversation at the most arbitrary moments. We could probably have kept going here, but I guess he (or she) was so ambivalent about the state of the nation that there was nothing left to say.

I also like how this person starts with "oh hey" like I walked in on him in his study while he was reviewing periodicals. "Didn't see you there."

(..."zips up pants.")


I promise that if anyone ever says something very serious in response to that opening question, I won't post it. I'm not an asshole.

But if something hilarious comes up...


Best part of the hand-taco is the re-usability factor.

98 Degrees

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Apparently yelling at people does not make them want to talk to you.

Now I'm the one who's hurt.


Wise choice.

I can't even necessarily call this a non-starter.


At this point, I'm at a loss for words.

I can't even bring myself to link to all the previous ones. New: tag category.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

Kindred spirits

This conversation went on for like 20 minutes after this. Like two ships passing in the night, as they say.

I feel like I've been here before.

Yep, deja vu. Weird.

I almost didn't post this

I guess they should emphasize the sciences earlier.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'll get the hang of this yet

...maybe not.

Not in Brazil

Funnier than I realize.

And I didn't even say knock knock!

Part four.

Three, two, one.