Monday, April 26, 2010

Nobody likes Dave.

Especially Gabby.

Random Celebrity Encounter

Man, I can't wait until I meet Ben Affleck on this thing so I can ask him how his baby's doing.

Fuck shit fuck

We may never know why.

Why all the cussin'.


It just was

Deep, man.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The conversation then turned real (aka boring) for just a few moments before she left.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Too lazy

Stanley Cup

Happy to talk to a 14-year-old girl... but only if it's about sports.

Rock music

Sometimes, there is a bit of a pause between the last line and the disconnect, which doesn't come across on the conversation.

That was not the case here. Here, it was straight up "yay - disconnect."

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Of note: This conversation did continue, but this is the bit I had fun with.

Blip blorp

Snappy answers to stupid questions this ain't.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tripping balls

My hope is that those last two thoughts were unrelated.

At the parade


This got old after a while.

A long night of disappointment waits.

This is not the ideal way to go about... anything.

Thanks for asking.

Damn, and I was ready for a serious heart-to-heart.

You be the judge.

I don't know any jokes

Not this again

Monday, April 5, 2010

Short and sweet

A special moment


I hope somehow he find that special someone... but I've always been a romantic.

Uncle Larry

I remember you!

It takes all sizes

I just wanted to make her feel appreciated.

I just can't win.

I'd like to add one that I was unable to screencap, so you'll have to take my memory for it:

Stranger: If my penis were named ronald mcdonald I'd hamburgle your onion ring until ketchup came out.

Which doesn't even make sense because McDonald's doesn't even have onion rings.

And who puts ketchup on those??


You can't blame me for asking.

What can I say? I'm only human.